
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Somewhat Closer, Somewhat Further

So I'm gonna attempt to keep this up to date each day with at least a little something. I'll call it a free writing experiment to keep my writing skills sharpened. So toady was the second day of school at Sac City. It's odd being in community college after six years at University, but I'm reaping what I sowed during those years of procrastinating and skipping willy nilly (Yes I used Willy Nilly, and no I'm not your least I don't think so...). Anyways I was going to take Creative Writing with my sister, but she got in during registration and I ended up on the wait list. So we went to class and instead of taking roll right away so that those that wouldn't be able to get in could go the teacher decided to make us do a writing exercise. So that ate up about 35 minutes of him talking and and ten mintues of that as the acutal writing. Once he took roll all but three pre-enrolled folks showed up. So persons one through three on wait list got in...I was five. So I'm a bit bummed that sis gets to take class and I have to just wait around for her during that time but that's just the way it is.

I was a bit irked that with this budget crisis they cut classes so much that people are flooding classes they don't want or need for units, so those people got in over me who wanted to take that class. There was even one dude talking outside the room about how he was just in the class cause he needed another class to stay on a sports team... uber lame.

Now begins the journey to find a replacement class to keep me in the same amount of units...which is all but impossible with classes cut so much that everythign is snatched up. We'll see what happens next week.

Umm...I guess that's about it today. I sort of wish I had done better at keeping to my stuff at Sac State to have finished years ago like I should have, but this journey has taught me a lot...maybe I'll talk about that tomorrow.

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