
Friday, January 22, 2010

Ramblings of A Sleepy Man

So here is my blog for the day to keep up with this daily updating of...well of my life I guess. I spoke last night of the new me and how I've improved. How I take each day positively now and work my best to keep staying positive and enjoy what I have. So today I'm not gonna go into all that again. It's boring right? Right. Instead I'm gonna talk about pretty much whatever pops into my mind at the moment. My brain moves a mile a minute most times and I barely store one idea away before ten more are popping up after it. My mind never really stops to take a breather. On the train. In class. In line at the store. I'm always full of story ideas and creative things that I love to do. Just yesterday morning on the train I envisioned an entire novel and it practically began writing itself in my head.

I've been trying for years to keep myself focused and on task to write a novel. Unfortunately nothing has come as of yet. Either I lose interest, can't work the idea like I thought, or let life get in the way. This year it's different. I set myself up with a handful of goals this year, opposed to resolutions as I hate that term since it's just a fad thing to do at New Years and ditch later for most people.

Goal #1: Lose weight. For years while working at Togos I was steadily losing weight as I ate good every day and worked hard and really sweat a lot off in the god awful hot area we worked in. I also was the runner going back and forth most days. Then I quit and moved and became sedentary and it all came rushing back. No more. Salads and yogurts are my new favorite foods to eat after getting myself to steadily eat them. So far no seeming results but I feel much better.

Goal #2: Stay positive. Self explanatory

Goal #3: Find a job and move to be with Ingela. A goal that leads me to the future I want.

Goal #4: Head towards finishing school at last. Harder to do with things the way they are, but a goal nonetheless.

And Goal #5: Write and publish a novel

So I come. I can feel it coming, and I can feel it finishing this year. This is my year, and I'm ready for it.

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