
Friday, February 26, 2010

Bits O' Scotti 2/26

While still waiting on the money from financial aid, things are moving forward for a move back to St. George in a few months time. Mostly the plans consist of packing up things that aren't being used anymore and the like. A lot of things are just in my room right now and not being used cause being a sort of "guest" still in this room I can't really make it homey feeling. That and I spend most time on my computer as sitting on the little bed in this tiny room to watch a movie....not really appealing. I think just like the last time I moved out once in my own place again I'll be able to get back to watching movies out in a family/living room, reading books, all the stuff I enjoyed before.My sister is coming with me this time, so that will be really interesting. I love my sister, and have tons of fun with her so it's a very welcome thing to have her along. Also means I won't have to live alone again, which was fun but really lonely before.

Because of the crappy state of California, pun intended, my mom was fired from her second job cause of stupid upper management politics where a boss was just covering his ass by getting rid of her. At the same time the school principal at my old Elementary School where my mom works, is trying to get rid of Teacher's Aide's which will cost her the job she's had for getting close to two decades now... With her worsening medical condition, my dad still out of work after retiring and not able to find a new job, and both my sister and I still unemployed...things are looking bleak. Thus why sister and I need to get out of the state so we can actually get jobs and move ahead in life. I feel bad somewhat leaving...but to stay here will hurt them worse.

On another note my drive for writing has returned and I've begun back on my fan fiction commitments in earnest. At the same time I'm going ahead with my first novel finally. The working title is "Wanderers" and it will be a book of short stories all connected by a bar called 'Wanderers' that shows up in each story in some way. Most of it grew from a short story I did for Creative Writing a few years ago that I really liked. I also have another novel idea for a story called "Solo" that I'll work on later this year. So I hope to have a book published by this summer at last :)

Following the suggestions of others I've blocked and cut links to a cancer that was causing nothing but harm to the writing community that I find myself part of. Online drama of the sort disgusts me, because I have dealt with it the last few years in writing and RPG sites including the one I run currently. With all ties cut to the cancer, I say good riddance.

Recently saw Sherlock Holmes, New Moon, and Valentine's Day while visiting my girlfriend. I liked Sherlock Holmes a lot more than I thought I would after hearing dismal reviews from my parents about it, which sunk in cause my dad seems to love like every movie made strangely. New Moon, actually surprised me as well. While I still cringed and wanted to close my eyes during parts with Pattinson and Stewart together, Taylor Lautner is actually a pretty good actor. I actually could feel the emotions and stuff from him in his part. The other two were like wooden planks reading cue cards most times. And the werewolves were far superior to the sparkly wannabe vampires. Valentine's Day was a nice little piece, that I found myself laughing at many of the things and actually enjoying. It was for my first double date with my girlfriend and her best friend and best friends boyfriend. We all enjoyed it, which was a capper to a fun night.

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